Our brands

The Group’s portfolio includes major brands that have made history in the market of Italian baked goods.

Tradition, quality, flavour, and the pursuit of excellence are common elements of this unique combination of iconic products that have been among the most well-loved treats for generations.

Founded in Verona in 1922 as a family-run business built on Ruggero Bauli’s artisan craftsmanship, this year the company is launching new initiatives to celebrate its Centenary.
Now in its third generation, Bauli is an industrial enterprise that over the years, thanks to its know-how, passion for the art of baking and technological development, has managed to establish itself as a leader in the confectionery industry in the market of holiday products and croissants.
With its hundred years of passion and quality, Bauli is the go-to brand for those looking for soft baked goods, crafted with attention to every detail, ideal for making those sweet daily and festive moments even more special.

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The history of the brand Doria begins at the end of the nineteenth century, when Alessandro Zanin and his family started baking bread and pastries. That’s how, in 1950, the iconic shortbread biscuit Bucaneve was born. Thanks to its success, in just a few years the company established itself in the confectionery industry, in 1958 founding the company Doria (the name comes from the Swiss biscuit manufacturer Renè Doria). Today, the brand still honours its core values: quality, simplicity, genuinity and attention to detail. It’s a “family heritage” that keeps in step with the times, cared for and shared by the company and generations of consumers.

Ever since it was established in 1919 in Milan by Angelo Motta, the Motta brand has been recognised for its ability to “create” in the confectionery sector, thanks to world-class technical knowledge and skills.
Due to its heritage as one of the most innovative confectionary brands, Motta has been a market leader, creating societal and cultural trends and signalling a change in lifestyle.

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The Bistefani brand was established in 1955 in Casale Monferrato. Today, 65 years later, having remained faithful to its philosophy as a producer of high-quality industrial pastries, the brand still expresses its tradition with the timeless Krumiri biscuits. Now, as then, the Krumiri biscuits are produced combining a respect for tradition and for innovative production techniques which guarantee products that can be enjoyed on a daily basis.

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The iconic Alemagna brand was established in 1921 when Gioacchino Alemagna, together with his brother, decided to open a company specialised in confectionery products in Melegnano, a town not far from Milan. It was thus that the award winning Pasticceria Alemagna, specialised in the production of naturally leavened sweets, began making a name for itself among customers, from whom it received increasingly positive response, so much so that within just a few years it had already expanded to the national and international level. Now, as then, Alemagna is a symbol of artisan production characterised by superior quality, elegance, and style.

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Casalini is the brand that, through F.B.F.’s experience with the process of selecting ingredients and with natural leavening, guarantees certified quality at a reasonable price. F.B.F. is the production entity of the Bauli Group which provides specialisation, innovation, and service, with higher quality products that support the commercial brand.

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Our products

Our seasonal and everyday products offer.

Our History

Since 1922, a story of dedication and success.